
WordPress 小技巧:让引用的图片旋转 180 度

很多时候我们会遇到引用的站外图片旋转角度不正确的问题,比如说 Flickr 的图片,选择了旋转以后外链图片不会一起旋转。下面是一种简单的让图片旋转 180 度的方法:

style="-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);-moz-transform: rotate(180deg);-o-transform: rotate(180deg);"

把以上代码添加到 img 标签的末尾即可。


神一样的网站:The last page of the Internet




The last page of the Internet

You have reached the last page on the Internet.
That is the end of the Internet. There are no more links, funny images, fresh anecdotes and pornography.

Please try the following:       

  • Turn on your TV and watch cartoons,some movie, tv-show or simply news.

  • Go read any interesting book or,at the worst – newspaper or magazine.

  • Turn off your computer and look out the window.If it is light outside, then take a walk, otherwise go to sleep.

  • If it is permitted by the law of your country,  sequentially disconnect power and modem or ethernet cable  from your computer, then – monitor and printer, after that  take all of this and throw out of the window.



HTTP 444 – The Internet came to the end and gone to devil’s hell.
Microsoft Internet Explorer